الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011

Cons of alcohol

~[ Cons of alcohol ] ~                                              

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1- First, alcohol damage the central nervous system becomes bluntly Tania alcohol fumes caused the death of so many brain cells alcohol may cause stomach ulcers because it is acidic, the center of where you live Bkedzria Haylocpetrat IV cause swelling in the liver due to accumulation of some toxic substances in alcohol such as acetone .
2- Cause inflammation in the liver
3- cause inflammation in the membranes of the stomach Blindfolded, as it reduces the absorption of folic acid Folic acid and thiamine Thiamin , also leads to the destruction of alcohol pancreas
4- Alcoholism leads to high blood pressure and weaken the heart muscle
5- Lead to low blood sugar in the blood of the patient and a case of falling sugar
6- Pregnant women drink alcohol and especially early in pregnancy leads to deformities in the fetus, and the small size of the head, and cardiac abnormalities, and many other complications
7- Fragility of bones and increases the chance of fractures

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